These terms of use will be applied to the use of StillArt Limited’s (hereinafter “StillArt”) website.
Visiting and browsing our website, registering as a user on the website, downloading content and other use are all considered use of our website.
Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using our website. By using our website, you confirm that you accept these terms and conditions and confirm that you will comply with them.
In addition to these terms and conditions, the following are also applied to the use of our website:
- Our privacy policy, which outlines the terms and conditions for processing your personal data. You will be requested to accept our privacy policy before disclosing your personal data to us and before we process your personal data relating to the use of our website.
- Our online purchasing terms and conditions, which outline the terms applied when you purchase products via our website.
StillArt Limited is a company registered in Finland with Business ID 2664422-6. Our address is Tingsgårdsvägen 11, 06100 Porvoo, Finland. Our VAT registration number is FI26644226.
In order to contact us, please send an e-mail to moc.t1739850462ralli1739850462ts@of1739850462ni1739850462.
We update and may change the content of our website from time to time. Please note that our website will not always necessarily be up to date, and we are under no particular obligation to update our website. We do not guarantee that our website or its content is flawless or that it is free from inadequacies.
The use of our website is free of charge.
We do not guarantee that our website or its content will always be available or that the use of our website will always be free from disruption. The use of our website is available until further notice and we can suspend, cancel or remove our website partly or entirely, or make changes to it without prior notice. Regardless of reason, timing or duration, we are not liable in any way for loss or damages that occur due to our website being unavailable.
You are responsible for all arrangements required for the use of our website.
You are also responsible for ensuring that everyone using our website via your connection is aware of and complies with these terms of use and other applicable terms.
If we provide you with a username, password, or other account information for our website, you must keep this information secret and it may not be disclosed to a third party.
We have the right to block the use of your username or password at any time regardless of whether we provided it or whether you chose it, if we consider that you have failed to comply with these terms of use.
If you suspect or become aware that someone other than you is aware of your username and password, you must change your password immediately and notify us if necessary, by e-mail moc.t1739850462ralli1739850462ts@of1739850462ni1739850462.
We are the holder or licensee of all copyright and any other intellectual property rights to any works and other material on our website. The works are protected by copyright laws and international agreements. All rights to the works on our website are reserved.
You may not edit the content of our website in any way by making any kind of printout or digital copy, nor may you use illustrative examples, images, video, or other audio-visual presentations found on our website without our consent.
Our status and the status of other creators of material on our website as copyright holders must always be highlighted.
You may not use the content of our website in any way for any kind of commercial purpose without first obtaining consent from us or our licensors.
If you print, copy or save any part of our website in breach of these terms of use, your right to use our website will be revoked immediately and you must comply with our instructions to either return or destroy any material you printed, copied or saved.
The content of our website is designed to be general information. The content is not meant to act as advice. We recommend that you request advice from a specialist or professional before you undertake or decide not to undertake action based on the content of our website.
Although we aim to keep the information on our website up to date, we do not provide any kind of guarantee or pledge that our website content is precise, fully complete or up to date.
We are not liable to website users for any loss or damages regardless of whether the damages are contractual or tort in nature, or if there is some other justification, if the loss or damages arise from or relate to the use of our website, or unavailability of our website, or our website content, or the use or reliability of information on our website.
If you are a corporate customer, please note that we especially are not liable for:
– loss of profit, turnover or result
– loss, destruction or change of information or software
– hindrance to business operations
– loss of expected savings
– loss of business opportunity or reputation, or
– other indirect damages.
We are not liable for the content of websites referenced or linked to on our website. The existence of references or links does not mean that we recommend such websites. We are not responsible for loss or damages that you incur by visiting or using the aforementioned websites.
When you use the function, which allows you to upload content to our website or to contact other users, you must comply with the content requirements outlined in these terms.
You confirm that all of the content you upload and your other activity on our website complies with the content requirements. If the content you upload or your other activity does not comply with the content requirements, you will be liable for damages caused by the breach of content requirements.
All content uploaded or sent to our website will be treated as public information and will be unprotected by copyright law. We have the right to use, copy, distribute and present this content on our website to third parties at our own discretion.
We also reserve the right to reveal your identity to a third party that claims that the content you publish on our website infringes on their copyright or privacy protection.
We are not responsible to third parties for the content or accuracy of the content that you or anyone else uploads to our website.
We have the right to remove any publication from our website if we consider the publication to breach the content requirements outlined in these terms.
The opinions presented on our website by other users do not represent our opinions or values.
We do not guarantee that our website is free from viruses.
You may not misuse our website by deliberately installing viruses, malware or other harmful or damaging software on our website.
In addition, you may not attempt to gain unauthorised access to our website or the server on which our website is hosted, or to other servers, computers or databases connected to our website. You may not carry out a denial of service attack or distributed denial of service attack on our website.
If you breach the regulations in this paragraph, you will also be in breach of Finnish law. We will notify the relevant authorities of any action which breaches the regulations in this paragraph. Your right to use this website will cease immediately if you breach any of the regulations in this paragraph.
You can add links to our website on other websites or social media as long as you do so legally and in a manner which does not damage or exploit our reputation.
You may not use links in a manner that would create a false impression of cooperation between us, our approval or our recommendation, if no such cooperation, approval or recommendation exists.
Our website may not be replicated on another website. A link to our website must lead to our frontpage. It is prohibited to link to other pages.
We reserve the right to refuse links to our website at any time.
The website to which you are adding a link to our website must fully comply with the content requirements set by these terms and conditions.
If you would like to use the content of our website in some other way, please contact us moc.t1739850462ralli1739850462ts@of1739850462ni1739850462.
Links on our website that link to other websites and content compiled by third parties are only meant for information.
We have no influence on the content of the aforementioned websites or on third-party material, and for this reason we are not liable for the content of these websites or material.
You may only use our website for legal purposes. You may not use our website in a way that would break local, national or international law, or in a way that breaches these terms and conditions.
We may occasionally offer interactive services (e.g. a chat) on our website.
When we offer interactive services, we will clearly notify you of the service offered and whether the service will be monitored, and if applicable, the manner in which it will be monitored (including whether the monitoring is technical or carried out manually).
We do our best to evaluate the risks arising from possible third-party activity to users of interactive services and in each case we make a separate decision on whether monitoring of the service in question is necessary, and which kind of monitoring is required, taking into account the risks associated with the service. We are not, however, under any obligation to monitor the interactive services offered on or website and we do not bear responsibility for any loss or damages that occur as the result of using an interactive service in breach of our content requirements, regardless of whether the service is monitored or not.
If the interactive service is monitored, we will inform you how to contact the monitoring party.
These content requirements apply to all content that you upload to our website or publish on our website, and to the use of interactive services.
You must comply with the written requirements and spirit of the content requirements. Content requirements apply to all content and all publications in part and in whole.
Content or a publication may not:
– contain material that may demean another person
– contain material that is indecent, insulting, hostile or provocative
– advertise sexual material or services
– promote violence
– promote discrimination on the basis of race, gender, faith, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age
– infringe upon a person’s copyright, trademark or right to a database
– mislead another person
– conflict with a valid obligation, such as non-disclosure, to a third party
– promote illegal activity
– threaten or breach another person’s privacy or cause harm, disruption or unnecessary distress to another person
– harass, disturb, cause embarrassment to or provoke another person
– impersonate someone else or provide incorrect personal details or incorrectly claim a connection to another person
– give the impression that a publication is ours if we did not create it
– support, promote or assist any kind of illegal activity, such as breaches of copyright.
We will use our own discretion to decide whether your use of our website has breached the terms and conditions of our website. If the term and conditions have been breached, we will undertake measures that we deem appropriate.
Acting in breach of these terms of use may lead to the following actions:
– the immediate, temporary or permanent termination of your user rights
– the immediate, temporary or permanent removal of a publication or content that you have uploaded
– the pursuit of compensation via legal routes for damages and costs incurred by your breach
– other legal proceedings against you
– disclosure of as much information as we consider necessary to the authorities
We are not liable for any loss or damages caused by any action we take. The actions stated above are purely examples of the action that we may undertake in the event of a breach. We also reserve the right to undertake any other action that we deem appropriate.
We can make changes to these terms and conditions any time at our own discretion.
Finnish law shall be applied to the use of the website.
Any disputes arising from use of the website will primarily be resolved through mutual negotiations. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these terms and conditions, or the breach, termination or validity thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules for Expedited Arbitration of the Finland Chamber of Commerce. The place of arbitration shall be Helsinki and the language English.
These general terms will be applied to the purchase agreement between StillArt Limited and you, concerning the product we sell (hereinafter “Product”).
StillArt Limited is a company registered in Finland with Business ID 2664422-6. Our address is Tingsgårdsvägen 11, 06100 Porvoo, Finland.Our VAT registration number is FI26644226.
In order to contact us, please send an e-mail to moc.t1739850462ralli1739850462ts@of1739850462ni1739850462.
All Products are offered according to availability. If the Product you have ordered is not available, we will notify you as soon as possible and we will not process your order.
We only use your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy We recommend that you read our privacy policy as it contains important information and instructions.
After placing your order, you’ll receive an e-mail from us confirming that your order has been received. Please note that this does not necessarily mean that your order has been accepted.
We accept your order by sending you an e-mail confirming that the Products you ordered have been sent (hereinafter “Delivery Confirmation”). An agreement between us will only come into effect once we have sent you a Delivery Confirmation.
If we are unable to deliver the Product, we will notify you by e-mail and we will not process your order. If you have already paid for the Product you have ordered, we will refund you in full as soon as possible.
This section 6 will only be applicable if you are a consumer.
If you are a consumer, you have the legal right to cancel your order within the deadline below. This means that if you change your mind or otherwise decide that you do not want to keep the Product you ordered within the deadline, you can notify us that you wish to cancel the order and your payment will be refunded.
You have 14 days to cancel an order from the date on which the Products were received.
In order to cancel an order, we request that you email a written, free-form notice of cancellation to moc.t1739850462ralli1739850462ts@of1739850462ni1739850462. We recommend that you keep a copy of your cancellation notice. The cancellation of the agreement will come into effect immediately from the date on which the e-mail was sent.
If you exercise your right to cancel, the price of the Products you ordered plus any delivery costs you may have paid will be refunded to you in full.
You must return the Products in their original packaging within 14 days of sending a notice of cancellation. You are responsible for the cost of returning the goods.
Please note, that if the Products are not appropriately packed, or if the Product was not appropriately cared for, we may not be able to accept the returned Products. Otherwise, if the Product is received in an appropriate condition, we will refund your payment using the same method used to pay for the products.
Further, please also note that when you by a digital product, i.e. a product which is delivered to you by email or by download, you by purchasing the product provide us your consent to delivering the product to you prior to the expiry of the 14-day cancellation period and consequently forfeit your cancellation right.
As a consumer, you always have statutory rights concerning defective Products or Products which do not correspond to the product information provided. Your aforementioned rights are not affected by these Contractual Terms.
More information on your statutory rights is available from the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority (
The price of the Product is the price stated on the website at the given time. The prices of our Products may change. Changes will not, however, affect an order that we have already confirmed with a Delivery Confirmation.
The price of a Product includes VAT in accordance with the valid VAT rate at the time.
The price of a Product does not include delivery costs. The additional cost for delivery is outlined below.
If you choose a mail or delivery service as the delivery method, our delivery costs will be determined based on the Products’ weight and volume and the distance involved.
Payment for a ready product must be completed in full when the order is placed. The payment is processed by Stripe.
Your order will be delivered by the delivery date estimated in the Delivery Confirmation unless something outside of our scope of influence affects the delivery schedule. E-products are delivered immediately by email or by means of a download link.
If we are unable to deliver your order by the estimated delivery date, we will contact you and notify you of a new estimated delivery date.
Our delivery term is EXW our address (Incoterms 2020).
The delivery will be complete once the Products have been delivered in accordance with our delivery terms.
Delivered Products are your responsibility from the moment that the Product delivery is complete. If you are a consumer, the Products are your responsibility from the moment that you receive possession of them.
Ownership rights to the Products are transferred to you once we have received full payment for the Products and their delivery costs.
Please note that we can only receive orders for deliveries within the EU. E-products are delivered world-wide.
This section 11 will only be applicable if you are a consumer.
If we fail to comply with these terms, we are responsible for any predictable loss and damages that occur due to our breach or negligence, but we are not responsible for loss or damages that could not be predicted. Loss or damages are predictable if they are a clear consequence of our breach, or if they could be expected when we made this Agreement.
We have no liability of any kind for any loss of profit or business, suspension of business, or loss of business opportunity caused to you.
These terms do not in any way restrict our responsibility for a defective Product as outlined in the Finnish Consumer Protection Act (Kuluttajansuojalaki 38/1978).
This section 12 will only be applicable if you are a corporate customer.
We are only liable for direct damages and our liability is always capped at the sale price of the order, exclusive of VAT.
We do not provide any warranty for the Products. We are not liable for whether the Products are suitable for your intended purpose.
We are not responsible for any delay or failure to fulfil a Contractual or other obligation if this delay or failure is the result of an event that falls outside of our scope of influence.
If an event outside of our scope of influence occurs and affects the fulfilment of our obligations as stated in the Agreement:
– we will contact you as soon as is reasonably possible; and
– the implementation of our contractual obligations will be delayed and deadlines that are applicable to us will be lengthened for a period corresponding to the duration of the event that is outside of our scope of influence.
If an event outside of our scope of influence affects the delivery of your Product, we will arrange a new delivery date once the event outside of our scope of influence has ended.
If you would like to contact us in writing for any reason, you can send us an e-mail to moc.t1739850462ralli1739850462ts@of1739850462ni1739850462.
If we need to contact you, or if we need to send you a written notice, we will contact you by e-mail or regular post using the information provided in your order.
If you are a corporate customer, any Agreement-related notice or other contact you make to us and any notice or contact we make to you must be in writing and must be delivered in person, by first-class post or by some other postal or courier service that delivers during working hours, or by e-mail or our website.
All changes to the agreement must be made in writing and require both parties’ signatures in order to come into effect. Agreement changes made by e-mail will be considered to be changes made in writing, for example, if both parties agree on a change to the agreement by e-mail.
The Agreement may not be transferred to a third party without the written consent of the other party. However, we may transfer the agreement as part of a business acquisition or other company reorganisation and transfer any receivables based on the agreement to a third party.
Finnish law shall be applied to this agreement.
Any disputes arising from the agreement will primarily be resolved through mutual negotiations. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these terms and conditions, or the breach, termination or validity thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules for Expedited Arbitration of the Finland Chamber of Commerce. The place of arbitration shall be Helsinki and the language English..
If you are a consumer, any claim against us based on consumer protection laws may also be examined in the district court of your domicile or place of residence.